nineteeneighty is a cross-disciplinary studio, focused on architecture and design, film and research. We seek innovative ways to practise architecture and are interested in using traditional skills of spatial intelligence in different ways and contexts.
Research interests include mapping, art & architecture, architecture & time, spatial agency and film. These are explored through writing, exhibitions, installations, dissemination and teaching.
Selected exhibitions and events
A Conversation on Drawing, the Royal Hibernian Academy, Dublin, 2016
Panel chair, Drawing in Art, Architecture and Engineering at Dublin City Gallery The Hugh Lane, 2016
Architects Do, Dublin Architecture Space, 2015
Describing Architecture, Dublin 2014
Projections, Trinity Arts Festival, 2008
Cabin Exchange 20-20, Glasgow, 2006
Inter-Action, Glasgow, 2006
Glasgow Silver Medal for Architecture, Glasgow City Chambers, 2006
Royal Scottish Academy Student Exhibition, Edinburgh, 2006
Selected collaborators
Architecture Ireland, The Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland
Cabin Exchange 20-20, Glasgow
Dublin City Council Arts Office
Foundation Serra Henriques, Lisbon Architecture Triennalle
It’s Open, Istanbul
School of Architecture, Planning & Environmental Policy, UCD
SET Collective
Trinity Arts Festival
The Irish Architecture Foundation’s National Architects in Schools Initiative
The Irish Architecture Foundation’s IAF Collective