Ghost Estate and Ghost Road

Ghost Estate and Ghost Road

Ghost Estate was filmed on an unfinished housing estate on the periphery of Dublin, Ireland. At the time the Irish landscape was littered with incomplete speculative housing developments, many of which came to abrupt ends at the start of the economic recession. In the film the unfinished structures frame views to inhabited houses beyond. There is both beauty and pathos in these contemporary ruins, which were slowly being colonised by nature. Ghost Estate used no introduced props, technical effects or post-production and is a continuous shot of 60 seconds, filmed on a handheld camera.

Ghost Road was filmed on an unfinished motorway interchange outside Newbridge, Co. Kildare, Ireland. Ghost Road shifts from the natural to the built environment, and investigates the material traces of these environments. Nature slowly reclaims this infrastructure. The dematerialisation of the natural and constructed landscapes recalls sites of archaeology, with their temporal and spatial layers. Ghost Road used no introduced props, technical effects or post-production and is a continuous shot of 60 seconds, filmed on a handheld camera.